So it has been brought to my attention more often then not recently that Ky is good at everything she does. It is so true, I have realized it most myself in the last few weeks.........
Over the past 8 months I have witnessed the most amazing thing.... I have watched a woman emerge from a shell and with the drop of all of her weight I have watched the woman I fell in love with coming back pound by pound inch by inch. Now let me clarify, for me it has absolutely nothing to do with her weight or the way she looks, but with each and every pound that comes of Kyla exudes an extraordinary amount of confidence, drive, motivation, inspiration, and success. I have butterflies again everyday because it is amazing to watch someone you love go through such an enormous change. Everyday I love her more and I didn't even know that was possible but it is. So, several people have said to me recently- Is Ky just good at everything she does, does she always excel, is she always a ten? Let me tell you she is especially now things just seem to have come together physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!!! Most recently let me name a few of my amazement's
Yesterday we went skiing-KYLA was AMAZING at it, I felt like I was watching a pro!!
KYLA ROCKS at the DRUMS on ROCK*(*BAND playing it the first time oh ya and G)()*UITAR HEROS and on the WII she gets almost perfect 10s in the WII olympics
KYLA informed me tonight that on her own accord she registered and has begun training for her first half marathon in APRIL
KYLA is an incredible mother, lover, wife, friend, listener, partner, cook, maid, etc etc etc etc
KYLA gives 199% to every single thing she does
She continuously supports me and my family no matter what the cost
She received her bachelors degree this winter
She excels in her work
She recently put together a photo DVD for my grandfathers funeral that was so touching, beautiful, well done, and professional with over 40 hours put in and then handed it out to my entire family for Christmas with personalized picture labels of him on the front and wrapped in gorgeous wrapping paper with a 21 gun salute bullet on the front of each gift!
I mostly wanted to take a moment and pay tribute to an astonishing person!! Someone who has taught me resiliance, consistency, and love!!
I love you BABY more than life, thanks for being mine, thanks for teaching me about that fire deep inside to accomplish things and about keeping it lit. I consider myself forever blessed!!
And you BOTH are very very lucky!
What a wonderful post!
I freaking told you that you are like "the perfect couple". You are both amazing individuals.. I've felt a "keeper" energy from the day I met both of you..
Way to go Ky! You HOT MOMMA!
What a wonderful tribute.
You are so lucky to have each other, and how wonderful that you both know it...so many people go day to day without appreciating their partners and all of their amazing qualitites.
You seem more in love now than when we met you.
Awwww- how sweet! You can really feel the love!! You two are so blessed:)
What a lovely post! And just because? You're not celebrating an anniversary or wanting a new car or... diamond ring?
Beautiful. SO happy for you both!
You know, I look at you both each day (well, when I see you) and see such growth, such amazing evolution that you two have been through in the time I have known you apart and the time that I have known you together. I am truly amazed each day at how you can get better and better each day...just like a fine wine. You two are both amazing. And I love you both...thanks for sharing your feelings!
B what a great post, she does rock.
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