Okay so it has been a week and I have not even had a free second to post a blog....
Since it is random rant Tuesdays I decided to post something today!! So my babysitter gets in touch with K today to let her know that the kids are throwing up (they had shots yesterday)and that she needs us to come and get them. Which is fine, so she calls me in jail and I rush out like a crazy mom to go pick them up... I get there and they of course smell like vomit, I think oh that is wonderful!! I load my kids dressed in only their diapers into the van and drive home. We get home and hang around for a bit, I try juice (bad idea that projectiled) I try pepto (2nd bad idea that projectiled, oh from both kids at the same time). This is where it gets good, my phone rings its the babysitter. She is calling for I don't know what I can't even remember now because I am so incensed. Oh I think really she was calling to say the following so after a few moments of her blah blah blah she says, "Geez your kids have horrible immune systems""I have never seen kids react that way to shots or with such incredibly horrible immune systems". WTF?? So as my blood pressure rises and I feel that horrible defensiveness that we probably all get as mothers I say, "I don't think they have horrible immune systems, but they do have tender stomachs, it probably has something to do with the fact that they were both born early, blah blah blah" Shit, here I was trying to defend my kids being sick. Now I should say that I have exposed my kids to every germ imaginable and I really think that they have pretty good immune systems!! I should mention that K and I have had to take as much time off for her kid being sick as we have for anything else. Anyways, I don't really know where I was going with this blog except I had to vent. My babysitter is a wee bit insensitive and I have a tendency to be a bit sensitive so the two may not go together well, especially when I am following my kids around the house as they projectile vomit!! So these are the days I wish I had it in me to be a stay at home mama.
So as I am handling all of this K calls from work in the middle of both kids throwing up, I have to say she is really the most wonderful because no sooner did I get off the phone with her she (12 minutes later) is walking in the door, it felt a bit like ghost busters as she walks in and practically puts her gloves on and goes into action. I love her so much, I don't have any freakin idea how mothers ever do it alone!! I can't even fathom my life without her in it, and it is unfortunate that it takes moments like that to remember that!!
So as the night progresses, poor J threw up in his entire drawer of cars(you all know how much he LOVES his cars), K and I had a car wash and sanitize in the bathtub. Poor boy just finished recovering from the fact that his cars are in the drying cycle in the bathroom....
So this is tonight so far......
Mostly THANK GOD for wives and "F-off" to insensitive babysitters who have children of their own but have no tact.
Dang that sucks! Poor kids! I hope they feel better soon. I hate having to deal with vomit, and with all these kids, I have dealt with my fair share. It sucks when they are so young and they don't know it is coming. It pretty much gets all over everything! You guys do good team work like us, and I like that. Now get them better before this weekend!!!!
I'm sorry that your kiddos are sick too. I hate puke!!! Who knew kids could projectile vomit such distances!!! =) Good luck and hope everyone gets better quickly!
That is NOT cool ! I hope they are feeling ok. Poor kids.
It's even more fun when it's x2 huh ?! :)
At least they are both puking at the same time....instead of one puking and then 3 days later the other one doing the same thing...just about the time the cars completely dry and the carpet starts to smell normal again. :) ha ha
Have a good Tuesday.
You go girl! Take that mean babysitter! Sorry the kids are sick. I think life is much better raising kids with two moms.
Aww poor kids.
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