
San Diego Trip

Well the last 24 hours have been amazing, we arrived in California yesterday around One o'clock got checked in to the condo and everyone got ready to go pick up Uncle Jonny who was coming home from Iraq. Boy, the kids have been hyped about it all week. J was convinced we were going to Iraq to get him and threw a melt down fit last Monday when he found out A. that we were not leaving for 4 more days and B. When he was told that we weren't going to Iraq, just California!!

The final Countdown, I didn't really know what to expect for a homecoming but we were all buzzing for sure!! We arrived on base and found out that they would not be here for at least four more hours!! Are you kidding me entertain my kids for four more hours!! Well, luckily they had bounce houses set up and the best idea yet BIG huge sheets of bubble wrap taped all over the floor!! This kept the kids busy for hours and hours. Infact, I think I am going to do that and just that for my next kids birthday party and I swear it is better then any entertainment yet!

So.... We waited and waited in anticipation to see this brother, son, and uncle step off the bus. And then it happened 6 buses pulled up and they all filed off. I cried couldn't help it. I cried for the family in front of us whose daddy had never met the new baby. For the children that were walking that were tiny when their dads left and I cried for the dads whose children didn't know them because they had been gone so long and were afraid to be held by them. I cried for the kids who went through the summer without a dad to watch all of their soccer games. I could go on and on!! It was amazing, hundreds and hundreds of people there for these amazing men who fight to make sure that mine and your kids are essentially protected, these amazing men who put their lives on the line everday for our safety!!

My Baby Bro was tired, he looked tired and dirty, says he has not taken a real shower with hot water let alone water for 8 months. He talked about camel spiders, and being scared shitless at times. He came back rather humbled, but overall says... "You know it really wasn't that bad". He has to go back in 5 more months so I guess that is a good attitude to have.

We now have an entire week together to hang out and he definitely has some winding down to do.

I woke up this morning and ran 5 miles (boy wouldn't I love to live at sea level, I love love love running here, much like I loved running when I lived on the East Coast) We went to breakfast, did some grocery shopping and spent several hours digging holes on the beach. Tonight my lovely mother stayed at the condo with the kids and my bro, dad and I went to a local pub to watch the BYU vs. Utah game over a couple of beers.

Tonight, Alyssa did my hair, I did her hair to match and then we did Nanas hair so we could all be matching!! It is times like this that really make you appreciate your family and it is a good reminder for me about what matters most!


Lynnbug said...

Uhm-I think you got some spam up there. But I just wanted to say that I think it is wonderful your brother is home and safe. I hope you get to catch up on everything! Have a great Thanksgiving!

K J and the kids said...

I'm so glad he's home. I wish he didn't have to go back in 5 months.
The bubble wrap may just make it's way in to our birthday parties as well :)

I wanted to see pictures of your hair :)

Ky said...

Wow - I love the picture of J hugging Jonny. I'm glad you got to see him come home - I'm sure it meant so much to him to see you all there.

TooeleTwins said...

Glad your brother is home safely. It brought back the great memories of welcoming my own baby bro home from Iraq a few years ago.

Sad that I just wrote "a few YEARS ago"

Heidi said...

Love and miss you much! Glad your able to spend time with John. Glad the Utes won for his homecoming, and glad you are able to be with your family for Turkey Day.

Big hugs to you and your kids! LOVE YOU!