(My bro and Jack on the left taken just over a year ago)
Disclaimer: Love my mom but GEEEEEZ lady are you for real, for real!
So, I got word today that my bro is coming home for a ten day visit. My brother is a Cobra Helicopter Pilot for the United States Marine Corps. He has been away for several years ( I have seen him on the occasional holiday etc) going through intensive training and flight schools. Apparently this will be our last visit before he is deployed (which makes me extremely nauseous and anxiety ridden on MANY levels, I hate the war, I hate our FUCKING President, but I love my Bro and I am so very proud of his accomplishments, so this inturn keeps me stuck) This visit will be interesting, well it is always interesting. My mother still has this weird infatuation with my brother and since he left any time he comes home my mother is convinced "this is the last time he will be home for a very long time, you have no idea what war or whatever will bring, drop everything." she monopolizes the majority of his time spent home with weird schedules and plans (in the first day he is here she has planned a brunch and dinner for him, which he doesn't even know about and would fall over and die if he did.) Besides that the thing that bugs me is that he is 26 years old and doesn't tell her no EVER. We have to practically go through Fort Knox to make plans with him or work around the weird plans she has thrown in the mix for him. Take for example that he is coming home to visit for ten days and my mom is absconding with him to Jackson Hole for 5 of the days. Sure we were invited (tentatively depending on him last minute), but who goes to Jackson Hole for 5 days over Labor Day weekend without having made reservations a year in advance. My mom however to accomplish this goal will pay thousands of dollars to ensure it happens..... Oh bug, I am not complaining but freak what happened to the time when siblings visit, the more I think of it I realize that my brother and I have struggled for so long to be close because we have never had the time to build our relationship without other things (ie my mom) getting in the way. I feel sad at times for my mother because I think this is her way of holding on to some weird fascination she has, of refusing to let go of her child but for CHRIST sakes I lived out of state for years granted I was not going to war, but whatever I never came home to HUGE cheers and infatuation. I came home to visit. Ky and I decided tonight that maybe we will try moving out of state, see if we can get some grand schemes when we come home. This is just my random rant for the day because I can't believe how irritating it is that I can't even call my own sibling and make plans with him because it might interfere with something my mom has planned for him. I can call but it is always like he practically has to say.... Well I might like to do that, (like go to Lagoon this weekend...)"If mom will let me."
Your mother sounds like my MIL! LOL!
I understand how she's so caught up in wanting to consume his every second while he's in town, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind some non-mom time either!
Dude, sorry you have to deal with this. I would just call him and plan something whether he likes it or not.
I'm sorry. I hope that you are able to spend some time with him and build on your relationship.
Thousands of dollars and Jackson hole over Labor day. I would be all over that. Why not ? You get to spend time with your brother and your mom gets to spend money on you both :)
I am so grateful that he's putting his life on the line for us. I hope and pray that he returns safely to his over bearing mother :) ha ha
So sorry, tell you mom to step off lol. Oh and your bro.... major hottie lol.
I think that the thing that I am most frustrated about and that I failed to mention is that I would be going to Jackson, however the only damn reason i am going camping is because 2 months ago we planned it and paid for it "for my parents" we thought it would be fun to hang out in nature with the kids, they agreed to it....that is until my bro is coming into town and then they are too good to camp with my family they want to run off to Jackson, on short notice and back out of my plans, leave me in a position to pay for these plans because thats what they wanted. Give me a freakin break! Oh well se la vi!
That sucks I am so so sorry. Isn't family grand sometimes??
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