Life is strange..... It has been quite some time since the ENORMOUS change in my life!! I do pretty well for the most part!! I have amazing people around me and I consider myself very blessed for that. I have been experiencing some pretty amazing things. I do manage most of the time to put on a face of strength and walk with my head held high! I however realized last night as I was reeling in bed with an incredible migraine headache that I am still carrying so much fear... And fear is anxiety.. And anxiety creates complacency and stunts growth.. So I guess mostly I had to acknowledge my fears. I have been getting more and more headaches recently and I really think that might be why... I have to stop bottling all of that fear. It is not like I can even really put a finger on what my fears are exactly but more then anything it is the fear of the unknown, vulnerability, trusting, progress and maybe myself!
I use a story in my work sometimes to help people acknowledge the power of their fear and I am going to put it out here. I used to horseback ride ALOT and had an accident at one point off of the horse it wasn't really pretty. Anyways the old adage "real cowgirls get back on and keep riding" has always been one of my statements to live by. But at that moment in my life I was scared to death, a good friend looked at me and said.... "acknowledge your fear, and turn it into learning how to respect the powerfulness of the horse" in other words I had to at that young age of seventeen learn to acknowledge, accept and respect the power of (in that instance the horse). I use it in my work to teach my clients about respecting the power of addiction and acknowleging the fear but remembering that "courage is being scared to death but saddling up for the ride anyways"
I use a story in my work sometimes to help people acknowledge the power of their fear and I am going to put it out here. I used to horseback ride ALOT and had an accident at one point off of the horse it wasn't really pretty. Anyways the old adage "real cowgirls get back on and keep riding" has always been one of my statements to live by. But at that moment in my life I was scared to death, a good friend looked at me and said.... "acknowledge your fear, and turn it into learning how to respect the powerfulness of the horse" in other words I had to at that young age of seventeen learn to acknowledge, accept and respect the power of (in that instance the horse). I use it in my work to teach my clients about respecting the power of addiction and acknowleging the fear but remembering that "courage is being scared to death but saddling up for the ride anyways"
Anyways, putting this out there more for myself and my own acknowledgment of fear in my life today...... So I guess for today there it is and moving forward, learning how to respect the power of life's journey!
Fear is not something that I really have ever seen in you - anxiety - yes, but fear - no. I think that in your evolution of self you will find that you are strong - and amazing - and that from that fear will come great things.
We seem to always want to help others overcome fears but are afraid to face our own.... Why is that? We have the tools to help others overcome but is it that we really don't want to overcome our own? Ask yourself what is holding you back? How is it going to affect you and do you really want it? I bet if you really want it you will overcome all your fears! Good Luck! Smile your a beautiful person!
Laugh in the face of danger, smile in the face of fear. Live your life like YOU know how, learn from it!
Fear is normal, but get back on "the horse" and ride it for life!
You are an amazing person.. You can control your fears... Use the strength from within to overcome it.. SOUL SEARCH!
Love you!
Letting go of the control is sometimes the scariest part.
Ride sister ride....you have the shirt for it ;-)
Love you friend! That's all...
Sending prayers your way! I read about your accident and hope you are on the mend soon:)
That was not my accident but I appreciate that!! It is a mutual friend of mine and K's
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