
The Evolution of ME!! 2008

I figure several months and it is time for a new post. Mostly, so everyone knows that I am still alive and kicking!! Even more because as you know I am definitely more of a winter blogger, and FYI I can feel winter in the air. Well... actually more like fall and fall and spring are my two FAVORITE seasons.

Well the last three months have been good for me. I have taken some time to do some major self introspection, learned an incredible amount about myself, identified some faults I have needed to for a while, taken some major accountability for the state of my own life, but most of all learned to love ME!! I am excited about my future and pretty much life in general.

So what have I been doing the last three months....... Well, I have been LOVING being a mommy, spending some major time with my kids, enjoying time with friends, and enjoying some time alone. Probably the biggest thing I have done this summer and ever in my life was travel to the Philippines for 13 days. There are barely words to describe my experiance there, the only that come to mind are that my trip was absolutely LIFE CHANGING, the freedom and intensity that came from my experiance truly has impacted me intensly. If I got to go back there tomorrow it would not be too soon. It is one of the most beautiful and truly amazing places I have been (of course I am not well traveled). The children, the simplicity, the laughter, the quiet moments, the appreciation for my kids, and the appreciation for my change are just some of the things I took from the trip. I would love to share ALL about it ALL but I am afraid that when I talk about it only I can truly feel the impact and so I instead just ramble on and on. I will share pictures though.

I am still in school, on the 11 month countdown to my Bachelors, a ten year goal for me. I always say, I am on the ten year plan for school and realize as I am typing this it is turning into my 12 year plan. But.... who's counting, I got two amazing kids instead!!

I am more excited today to wake up, then I have been in a long time, and I look forward to the next experiance. I have said a few times in all of this "I feel like my life is a social experiment right now, I watch people, observe, and learn." I won't lie I have had some very challenging and lonely moments, but like a beach ball pushed under water I fly right back out/up. I said to a friend tonight, I cannot believe how fast this year has gone, sometimes I want to slow it down. My little brother is coming back in November, the kids and I get to go down to welcome him home and enjoy Thanksgiving with him. My family has rented a beach house for the big event and I think we are all VERY excited. I have had some incredible things happen with work, and have been moved into a supervisory role of a new program so things have been ubberly crazy with those changes.

I have included two slideshows of 2008 in review one of the events of the summer and one of the Philippines


Heidi said...

It's about time! So glad that your finding such great strides with your evolution. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the first photo, you on a horse. It's like you found home! I love that photo. Will you send it to me?

Big hugs...looking forward to the "more to come" SMOOCHES friend!

Merr said...

WOW! It is so good to see you blogging and see what you have been up to, which is a lot! So what takes you to the Phillippines? Seems like an odd destination. I never even knew it existed until my brother went on his mission there. Looks absolutely beautiful though. You look great as well and I am glad you are staying a float. We miss you! Try to blog more!

K J and the kids said...

You SOUND so good. You sound happy. and it sounds as if life for you has not stopped at all.
I'm so happy for you and your transformation.
Thanks for sharing and catching us up.

Nat said...

It is so good to hear that you are doing well. We were worried about you, but it seems that you have been in the midst of a great journey. All the best!!

Holly said...

Glad to see you back in blogland. It sounds like you are going well. What beautiful pictures! Keep bloggin!

Trista said...

those pictures are amazing. What a great trip! We should do coffee soon.

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