
Nada lotta!! But SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!

I was so sick of looking at my last post I had to post something...... I have been busy, and I cannot confirm or deny what I have been busy doing. Life just gets busy and incase you didn't notice I think Spring has Sprung (the rollerblades have officially been out more then once) !! I thought that over a month ago when I was trying to will Spring to be here but I think this time it is FINALLY coming! I am on the three week countdown to my next half marathon, I have not been training much because I have been doing an amazingly long "body cleanse" of sorts. So wish me luck in my heafty three week training program aka... I hope I don't die in that 13.1 miles!!

Life is excellent, the kids are excellent and growing like weeds and have had their bikes out and are talking about boating, fishing, hiking, and all that fun stuff we do in the spring and summer!

My baby bro is about to deploy again in a week for Afghanistan this time which turns my stomach as usual but it will be good I am sure!

You will hear from me again soon I promise!


Heidi said...

Sounds like your as happy about spring as me! WOO HOO...let's get together soon! BIG XOXOXO's

Anonymous said...

You sound fantastic! Enjoy your time outside this weekend... I hear it's snowing on Monday. Blech.

K J and the kids said...

I have an idea what's been keeping you busy :)
I'm glad spring has sprung too !

Good luck with your training. You are amazing.